When you invest – you make a difference!
CLW is a nonprofit loan fund with a mission to provide access to capital and asset building services that help people work toward long-term financial stability and the creation of thriving, local businesses. When you invest with us, your investment becomes part of CLW’s pool of loan capital and supports between 75-100 individuals and small businesses each year.
Your investment is also an important part of our strategy for self-sufficiency. Favorable terms on borrowed capital reduce our interest expenses and improve our profitability, in turn reducing rates for our borrowers and making our capital more affordable.
We pair consumer and small business loans with technical assistance to ensure our borrowers are successful. CLW is an affiliate of NEDCO (Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation). We partner with NEDCO to provide our clients with expert financial literacy, homeownership, and microenterprise education and counseling and individual development accounts (matched savings toward the purchase of a specific asset).
Why is a CDFI so vital to our community?
Community Development Financial Institutions—or CDFIs—emerged in response to a lack of access to responsible and affordable credit and capital in minority and economically distressed communities. The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund), part of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, plays a unique and important role in generating economic growth in America. By fostering the creation and expanding the capacity of community-based financial institutions that specialize in providing affordable credit, capital, and financial services, the CDFI Fund builds businesses, creates jobs, and revitalizes neighborhoods.
Who can invest?
- Individuals
- Banks
- Government Entities (including tribes)
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Corporations
- Religious Groups
We entertain non-accredited & accredited investors.
Interested in investing?
Investors choose the amount they would like to invest, the term, and interest rate from the following:
- A minimum of $1,000-$250,000+
- A term of 2 to 5 years
- An interest rate of 1.25% – 2.00%
To protect investors, CLW’s loan loss reserve is evaluated quarterly based on loan growth and case performance. To get started, please contact lynn@communitylendingworks.org.
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